Mike Smitka, Washington and Lee University
Here's a chart I created for my China's Modern Economy class showing the appreciation of the Chinese RMB / yuan [人民币·元] relative to the rest of the world. I put in the US$/yuan rate, inverted so that higher means stronger. But the core series is the monthly real effective exchange rate from the Bank for International Settlements. This the average value of the yuan with the exchange rates of the world's 61 largest countries, weighted by the amount of trade China conducts with each. In addition, the BIS corrects for inflation in each country, because if for example there's deflation in Japan, then at the same exchange rate US$1.00 buys more goods and services. Again, higher means stronger. At the bottom I append the most recently available (2013) trade data from the China Statistical Yearbook, to highlight the need to view China through lens with a wider perspective than the US bilateral relationship.